Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Wow! Okay, that was difficult! Boy, it just goes to show you, that when you put your mind to start something, every obstacle possible pops up and tries to derail you!
I had started a blog - started being the operative word in that statement - some 18 months ago. It quickly went to the back burner because, well, you know, all of the other "more important" stuff that takes up our day to day lives. Like cooking three squares, (okay, so mine are sort of round most of the time, you know what I mean) and cleaning and laundry and home schooling and working and shopping. Do I have to go on? I'm making excuses. I love to write but I didn't make the time for this blog! Well, shame on me! Now that I set my mind to it, "wham-o!" I find out my old blog has been disabled, or something.
Now please understand, I wasn't raised on computers, so I'm self teaching here. I have managed to create this new blog, and I hope it doesn't self combust in the near future!
Why the new found interest in blogging? Well, I jumped on a teleconference last night featuring Kelly James Enger! I have read many of her books, and found her conference to be every bit as incredible as her written works! If you are interested in freelancing, you need to check into Kelly's website - if you already doing freelance work, then I'm sure you know about Kelly!
The call was great, and once again, she laid out a path through this business called freelance writing, and was just such an encouragement! 
Well, I've got to get going to one of those round meal things, but I'll be back! (Hopefully sooner than 18 months!)